It's official. We have hogs! Take a look at the mess they created in our yard over the past couple of days.
There were hundreds of holes, in various locations of the yard, some extremely deep. Yes, they even got close to the hog pen Padre and the Moose built. We took the time to fill the holes in otherwise, either us, Miss Izzy or the Hooligans had a potential to really hurt themselves. Do you remember the scene in Pretty Women? (O.K. I know there are guys out there that may have not watched this chick flick, but ask your wife or daughter, they'll confirm) Where they go to the Polo match, and have to fill in the divots. That was my life for a couple of hours, minus the nice dress and shoes, and plus a shovel and trailer load of dirt!
The Moose spent the better part of the late morning mowing the picker forest.
I spent my time planting pepper plants, some additional pear tomatoes, lettuce, and beans. I'm trying to add a little at a time, so I have a continuous supply of fresh veggies for weeks on end.
Last week the Moose and Miss Izzy cleared out a couple of rat nests that were located under the storage container in the chicken run. Let me just say GROSS! In the process, he had to fill in what they removed for their nests, and it left the storage container unlevel, so the doors did not shut properly. The Moose noticed it earlier in the week, when he came out to feed and care for the Hooligans. He left the doors open, so I could see what they created in our absence, as he knew I'd get a kick out of what they did.
And Lucy has some splaining to do! I guess we had some bugs on the windshield.
We also had to clean up the yard, from the quick storm that came through earlier in the week. Plenty of kindling.
We left feeling like things have been put back in order. Although the destruction from the hogs took a toll on our plans for the day, we did pretty good crossing things off of our "to do" list. There's always another Saturday!