Let me explain how I now have to live circa 2012:
I must at all times:
- Be sure to keep all doors and windows locked, even when home
- Remove every last item from our vehicles and carry them inside each day and/or trip
- Lock the door from my garage to the inside of my house
- Manually lock my garage door from the inside, at all times
Here's why;
Some thugs, punks, sorry s.o.b's, decided it was OK to break into our truck. Since it's too big for our garage it gets parked in the driveway. Wouldn't think this would be a big deal, since it WAS locked. We are neurotic about locking our car.
It along with my MP3 player, the corresponding cords and cables, were all hidden inside the glove box, not out in the open where they could see them. So even though we hid them, it is still not enough!
It gets even scarier! Then the jack balls, decided to take our garage door opener from the truck, use it and gain access to the SUV
in the garage. They proceeded to steel the GPS that was in there, as well as the Moose's prescription glasses. What in the world would they do with his glasses? They skipped over his shotgun. I guess it wouldn't fit into the pockets on their pants.
We count our blessings they decided to keep to the cars, and not work their way in to our home. This happened while we were sleeping. You see, we don't lock the door from the garage to the house. What for? The garage door is down when you go to bed at night! Who would think to keep your garage door opener on your person? If these are "just kids" as the police seem to think, then why are they brazen enough to not just stick to the easy target outside on the driveway, but actually enter our house as we slept!!
We and our dog, did not hear a thing. It's on the opposite side of our house, and unless you are close to the garage, you do not hear the garage door. I'm creeped out!
Of course, the police think we left the car open. Then may I ask, why did it happen again the next night? We cleaned out any remaining items and double checked that the car was indeed LOCKED! Of course we took the extra step, after already knowing you were violated to begin with! So how, did the truck end up open again this morning? Creepy, and disgusting all at the same time.
I had to file a police report, change the remote garage door openers, and get the Moose some new glasses. The other stuff is inconsequential. But really?!
I know, generally speaking I'm naive about many things. I want to believe the glass is half full, not empty, and that people are generally good. I am having to re-evaluate my interpretation of the human race. If this is living in 2012, I can hardly wait for 2013.