It was a stupendous holiday season! Way too much food, and just the right amount of laughter to make your cheeks and stomach hurt!

We celebrated Gene's 84th birthday! He was quite the card shark too!

We watched the Moose's Mom catch dinner. It was over 50 years since she went fishing, and she caught 10 pan fish which we grilled over an open fire. Yummo!
We celebrated Christmas with great family and friends. There's 5 generations in this photo, all first born daughters to boot. We just love these ladies! They all have a way to make you feel welcomed and loved.
We went camping at KARS Park, and got a bit washed out for a few days, but somehow we managed to stay busy. The views from the park are always great.

The guys took the boat out and went fishing, and caught this cooler full of mullet and red tailed tilapia. These are salt water fish, caught in the Banana River.
They cleaned all 59 fish, and smoked about half for dinner Saturday night. They were so happy with their big catch! Dinner was delish!

I even got the chance to tag along on Sunday morning. Yep, those are my muddy boots in the photo. It was picture perfect!
Here's one of the boys throwing the cast net. Let me tell you, that is no easy feat. It was pretty heavy, and it really needed a big heave-ho to get it out into the water. But I think they loved every minute of it.
We saw lots of dolphins, and a manatee or two. I also had a close encounter with an alligator sunning itself on the shoreline.
But, my favorite picture of the day was this old tree along the barge canal. I'm not sure why, but it just captured my attention.
The Moose and I are looking forward to what God has in store for us in 2015. We hope you'll keep checking in to see what we're up to!