I guess the prior weekend wasn't so bad, as my parents decided to come back out again and help us finish the fencing around the pond. Here's a photo of them both, and yes, that is a Guiness in the picture. We were at the very end of the day when water just wouldn't do any longer.
They were great help again. While my parents and the Moose put up the cross bracing, and the wire fencing, I got started on getting the garden ready for planting. After some testing, we needed to add quite a bit to the soil; lime, compost/manure, top soil and nitrogen. I finished half of the original garden, by tilling in the amendments, and raking it all out. We also planted two more new trees, a dwarf plum and a nectarine. Keep your fingers crossed that they do well.
It warmed up this past week so the grass is greening up, and the bushes are starting to bud out, even the new raspberry plants.
We'll be off next weekend, we have a conference for work, so until the next post, have a great week.