Monday, February 17, 2014

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

There are days I feel like the rabbit from the "Hare and the Tortoise" story.  Racing through life just trying to keep my head above water.  There's always more on my list of "to do's" than I can accomplish, and not near enough hours in the day.  If there were, I'd be just too pooped to get much more done anyway.

Then there are days, like this past weekend where I feel more like the tortoise.  It takes time to complete some tasks, and while they appear at the offset to not ever get finished, and in some cases even started,  before long when the project has been tackled even in dribs and drabs there is the reward at the end of the race.

I guess it's more a matter of prospective than anything.   What are you, the hare or the tortoise?

Here are some pictures from this past weekend.

The girls around a pot of brown rice.

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Random, renegade celery. 

Mescaline salad blend in my raised bed.

The Queen, nosing around

Walter, still too scared to go outside from the run. 


  1. I would say I am both depending on the day and/or project! Loved the pictures!

    1. Thanks for tagging along, and I'm both too, depending on what minute of the day it is.

  2. Izzy,

    I'm both.............depending on the weather!!!

    Love the pictures of your critters. Why is Walter so scared?

    1. Me too! Not sure about Walter. He's still getting picked on and I think once he matures things will start to change.

  3. I imagine everybody feels that way, especiallly in winter. In summer, it isn't that hard to keep everything on an even keel. But winter, especially this winter, has been like riding a roller coaster.

    1. Yes we all feel this way, and just when I think I'm getting the swing of this roller coaster, another free fall or steep incline seems to appear out of no where!

  4. Izzy, I tend to have a lengthy to do list as well and think that if I had more hours, I'd only see more time and add things to the list! haha! Trying to slow weed out those things that are distractions in order to do what is most needful. If I had to be one or the other, I'd say I was a hare who wants to be a tortoise. :)

    1. Nice answer! It's a cloudy rainy Monday here, and right now I feel like a tortoise that wants to be a hare but don't have enough get up and go!


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