Sunday, September 15, 2013

Favorite Photos of the Week 9/14/13

Miss Izzy

Pig Pen

Miss Corrie

Panoramic of the flock

This picture gives you an idea of just how many chickens we have roaming The Compound



Young 19 week old Rooster (no name yet)


  1. And so Miss Izzy doesn't mess with your birds? Adding a canine to our animal collection is on the docket, but we've been hesitant to do so since our birds free range all afternoon after egg collection time. Any tips? Thanks!

    1. No she doesn't bother them at all. We introduced them to her when they were chicks, let her smell them, and they all got used to each other.

      I would definitely stay away from any dog that hunts birds. Miss Izzy is a terrier, she'd rather get the mice and rats in the coop then bother with the chickens.

      She's always been good, that we could just tell her NO to the stuffed animals, that were not hers and she'd leave them alone.

      I wish I had a better answer, she's just been great around them.

  2. Please tell me Pig Pen didn't get his/her name from being a little piggy?

  3. Actually, it's because he always seemed to be dust bathing when we first got him. It was about this time of year and wet, so dust bathing became mud bathing and since he's white, he was really gray most of the time.

    He's a wonderful rooster!


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