Sunday, October 14, 2012

Life at The Compound

Some times pictures speak volumes, here are some from this past Saturday.  With help from Spud, we got the mulch off loaded.

Here are the Hooligan's, all snuggled up taking a break from all their shenanigans!

I do believe Miss Corrie is Lucy's daughter.  What do you think? 

Corrie's comb flops over like Lucy's, and she's equally calm and easy to pick up.  She's just got her Daddy's coloring. 
Here are just some other random photos.

Have a good week everyone!


  1. Awwww! She's her mother's child.

    1. I feel better knowing someone else thinks so too! This is my first "go" at chickens, and hatching out the next generation. It's fun to try and guess. I think Rose is Ethels' daughter. Always noisy. Do you think their traits run that close?

  2. Beautiful. I know that unloading all that mulch was hard work. Good for you guys! And, yes I agree, that Miss Corrie has to be Miss Lucy's daughter. I wnat some chickens sooo bad.

    1. Well, I know you're counting down the days, so you'll just have to start getting ready! Read, read, read, and then plan. I wouldn't trade it for anyhing! I love those crazy critters!

  3. Lord how I miss chickens...thanks. Beautiful pictures, by the way.

    1. Thank you for the comment. I love taking pictures, especially since we've gone digital. You can take as many as you want, throw out the bad, without printing them to find out your just an amateur!

  4. Love your chicken pix. And I have to say that the mulch looks gorgeous!

    1. Thank you, yes the mulch looks nice. Especially when it's all done! whew..

    2. Nuh unh, we need to go get another load for the west forty...

  5. Oh, Gold in trailer lol! I don't think you can ever have to much mulch! Thats a lot of work unloading and spreading


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