To the Little Girl who was kind enough to give me Fludders, here's your update;

The humidity and heat have finally backed off and if the weatherman is right, we may finally be able to put the summer of 2015 behind us. Although it was a bit warm this weekend, the humidity was not there and the Moose only went through about 3 t-shirts. That's how we gauge things, not by temperature but by how often he has to change t-shirts.
The guys finished our new turkey housing addition, (of which I didn't get any photos), moved the four teenage turkeys to the new enclosure and in with the original flock (there was a bit of a kerfuffle), and added another lean-to area for the male hogs.
I spent my time working on the garden beds, removing the yellowing leaves from the tomato plants, removing caterpillars which are the bane of my existence at the moment, and look at what they did in one week to my cucumber plants;
I really hate using pesticides, but the bugs leave me no choice. It's that or no vegetables. I found three different type of caterpillars in my garden. Some roll the leaves back over themselves so they can eat in peace, others just eat large holes in the leaves and the worst one's you can hardly see until they've had their fill; they make the leaves look like lace. Frankly, the pesticide didn't even phase this last type.
The tomatoes are going strong, and I've only found a few small green inch worm type bugs, and a couple of black caterpillars. Besides some leaf miners which out at The Compound always get on my plants, they seem to be doing really well.
While I was working in the garden, or frankly going just about everywhere one of our supervisors stuck by my side to make sure I was doing things right. Here's Kitty-Kitty;
Of the three semi-feral cats we rescued this past year she is the friendliest. Here are the other two Bones and Claire;
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Skin and "Bones" he has a hard time putting on weight. |
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