Tuesday, April 29, 2014

And The Winner is Chicken Poo!

It didn't start out as an experiment, it just happened.  A couple times a year the chicken run/coop is scraped up and wheeled into the garden.  This past year, it was placed on the north side of our main gardening area.  If you look at the pictures, you can tell exactly where the dividing line is.  The upper part of the photo, nearest the coop has had the compost added.  Clearly you can see how it progresses to some sad looking plants.  I fertilize them almost weekly with an organic fertilizer for gardens, they are watered regularly.  The only difference was the addition of the chicken poo.

Garden 4/19/14
Garden 4/26/14


There's plenty more where that came from, along with some pig poo.  Can't hardly wait until the next gardening season to see how things turn out.  The tomato plants have doubled in size in a week, and are covered in blossoms and young green tomatoes! Now if I could ever get a handle on the weeds!


Random watermelon plant, that decided to grow by my rose bushes



  1. Nothing beats natural fertilizer. And so much cheaper than the chemical/oil based stuff.

    1. Definitely cheaper, and actually seems to be the one factor that has really made a difference.

  2. Just goes to show that Poo rules!

    1. It sure does, at least there's a good way to use the stuff! Can I consider this a "resource inventory"?

  3. Izzy,
    Chicken poo are two words every garden loves :-)

    Your garden is looking really good my friend, may you have a very healthy harvest!


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