Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Monkey - RIP

Monkey, our returned rooster, lost the battle with an upper respiratory infection of some kind.  We gave him the strongest meds we could get our hands on, for nearly 2 weeks.  Even though he was really mean, and you couldn't be around him without a rake in hand, he was truly a beautiful bird and the last of our original Hooligans.

It's a sad day at The Compound.


  1. So sorry to hear this. He was a beautiful bird.

    1. Thanks DFW, he really was a great looking bird. Mean, mean, mean, but that was part of the reason we kept him around. We could laugh at all his antics. We'll sure miss the crotchity old bird.

  2. Izzy,

    I'm so sorry to hear about Monkey.


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